IWBDA 2018: 10th International Workshop on Bio-Design Automation, Berkeley, CA, USA

10th International Workshop on Bio-Design Automation

Sponsorship Opportunities

BDAC's IWBDA sponsorship opportunities are available to your company! IWBDA offers many special opportunities for your company to connect with your audience. Work with us to design a custom sponsorship opportunity, such as sponsoring: All net proceeds from IWBDA support the ongoing mission and work of BDAC.

“Specification” Level 6: $25,000+

“Design” Level 5: $10,000

“Workflow” Level 4: $5000

“Tool” Level 3: $2500

“Class” Level 2: $1500

“Algorithm” Level 1: $500

IWBDA Exhibition Table: $750

Full-page advertisement in IWBDA Program Book: $350

Half-page advertisement in IWBDA Program Book: $200

Summary of Sponsorship Opportunities

Exhibition Table
Logo on IWBDA website *
Logo on promotional material *
Included registrations 0 1 1 1 2 3 7
Logo on bags
Demo new products
Ad pages in program ½ 0 ½ 1 1 2 2*
Include materials in bags *
Logo on BDAC website *
Exhibition table *
Number of times display ad included in emails 1 2

* Top / featured